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In the heart of an enchanted garden, where time dances to the rhythm of petals unfurling, lies a work of art alive with vibrancy. This “Harmony Blooms” artwork from my, "Close to the Garden" the  invites us to wander through a kaleidoscope of color—a symphony of hues that defy the ordinary.


My creative imagination, guided by whispers of spring, conjured petals that burst forth like jubilant laughter. Each flower, a bold stroke of life, dances upon the canvas, their forms merging and diverging in a harmonious choreography. Here, the boundaries blur between reality and imagination, as if the garden itself dreams in Technicolor.


“Harmony Blooms” transcends mere representation; it celebrates the very essence of life. It reminds us that beauty thrives in diversity, that even amidst chaos, there exists a delicate equilibrium. And as we gaze upon this floral ballet, we become part of its rhythm—a fleeting note in the grand symphony of existence.


This work of art is printed by Sensariaon premium matte  museum-grade paper (175gsm fine art paper). My  poster prints really translate any artwork into exquisite real life décor. Available in multiple sizes, each poster is printed with top-tier pigmented archival inks for a stunning end result.


*Please Note: that this artwork is uniquely and aesthetically cropped to fit each of the sizes it is available in.


  • Made with museum-grade archival paper (175gsm) for excellent printing fidelity and vibrant color reproduction.
  • For indoor use only
  • Find the perfect match to your customers' needs thanks to the 38 available sizes.
  • Assembled in the USA from globally sourced parts
  • NB! Due to the production process of these posters, please allow for slight size deviations with a tolerance +/- 1/16"

Harmony Blooms Fine Art Poster

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